Friday, July 9, 2010

Blackfriars, Blaise Castle House Museum in bristol in united kingdom

Blackfriars: These are the only surviving friary buildings in Bristol. The Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans) were evangelists with a mission to towns. They were known as black friars from their black habit. Their friary in Bristol was a large one, founded around 1227. It took up the whole area now known as Quakers’ Friars. All that remains is part of its lesser cloister, much altered. It is now part of Bristol Register Office. For staying in Bristol select hotels in Bristol uk as they offer the world class services to the customers and also they offer lots of discount to the customers.
Blaise Castle House Museum: The 650-acre Blaise Castle Estate has been a public pleasure-ground since it was bought by Bristol Council. Paths wind along wooded slopes and beside brooks. The house was built in 1796-98 for John Scandrett Harford, a wealthy Bristol banker. He engaged noted landscape gardener Humphrey Repton to lay out the grounds. Repton’s red book of plans is on view in the house, now a museum of everyday life. Don’t miss fairytale Blaise Castle - built as summer house in 1766.

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